
Have you ever picked up someone in an airport at midnight?半夜接機,要有小心機

A=3D academy B=Mactan international airport






到了機場,兩個小朋友很興奮的東看西瞧,而且因為太早到機場了,我們還WINDOW SHOPPING了一下。



(they were so excited.)



(因為是接日本學生,我當下對韓國學生說"you're useless. but you can pick up her baggages.")




Have you ever picked up someone in an airport at midnight? In my case, I have already been doing this many times. Actully, pickingnew students up is not difercult work, it just wastes time. I usually go to MACTAN airport alone, but last Saturday, I invited my friends to pick up a new student. So,there were three people(one taiwanese, one korean and one japanese) who went to pick a new student up.
In phlilppines, when you take a taxi at night/midnight, you should be careful to a driver. Some drivers want you to pay more money, easpecially you're forigenr.

for example, I've met this stituation. At sunlog festival night, I took a taxi to the airport, then the driver raised up the fee. Generally, from 3D to the airport only costs maybe PH.201,but he wanted me to spend PH.350!! It's a daylight robbery! When we arrived the airpport, I recived the reciept and according to the reciept, gave him PH.201, then running into the airport!

Anyway, you should be careful when you're abroad.

This was their first time to pick a new stundent up, they were so excited.

Unfortunatly, we went to the airport too early. Window shopping was one way to kill time. But there are few shops in the airport. We finished our window shopping for 20 mins.

By the way, we still tried killing time. We took pictures then Luna and Ethan played the traditional japanese game, I took a video with his cellphone.

Until 1:30AM, we picked up the new student and went back to our schoolby a taxi.

Thank God, thank Luna and Ethan. They are nice friends.

And next time, I will bring my homework to the airport. Doing homework is the best way to wait new students.









因為工作需求,將youtube影片嵌入網站後,為了要能在手機和PC都能顯示出漂亮的大小,再加上Joomla遇到了一些小麻煩之後,發現似乎要寫成下方的html才能好看的顯示出來: <div style="position: relative; height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%;"> <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/*******?rel=0&amp;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0;&amp;autoplay=1" width="100%" height="450" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> </div> 不知為何寫成min-height或是max-width都沒反應,不過向上方這樣補上 style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0;"   就可以合乎行動裝置和PC的尺寸。


只要是女性就不可能沒有瓶瓶罐罐! 這句話個人認為是真理,女性真的很辛苦,要對抗的不只是柴米油鹽醬醋茶,還要抵抗皮膚老化,不使用保養品根本是不可能的事! 與其說是寵愛自己,我覺得認真使用保養品的女性是抱著激勵自己的心情在使用保養品呢。