終於有機會來寫餐廳推薦啦!! this is my first time to suggest a good restaurant! 因為歡送派對(farewell party)的關係,常常有機會燒錢。(遠目)但是也拜此所賜,嚐到了好吃又美味的義大利麵! 基本上我相當懷疑日本人個個都是重度義大利麵上癮者,幾乎動不動就是要吃義大利麵!你問他今天要去吃什麼,百分之八十的機率是義大利麵,如果想摧毀日本人,大概只要讓咖哩飯和義大利麵從這個世界上消失就可以了。(義大利人怎麼辦?你放心,他們可以靠披薩活下去。) farewell party gives me chances to try many very delicious restaurants( that's why I don't have enough money to buy clothes and shoes...) and I am really happy to eat this pretty good spaghetti!! but I discover that all Japanese are spaghettiholics! If you ask them what kind of food you want to eat, they usually answer "pasta"!! so, I support if there were no curry and spaghetti in the world, maybe Japan is destroyed. 廢話不多說,這次來介紹一家我個人相當驚喜的一家義式料理餐廳BIGBY'S。 Anyway, let's introduce this restaurant "BIGBY'S"